Your first manuscript#

Create a new file called manuscript.rsm and add the following contents


Web-first scientific publishing.


In the command line, cd to the directory where the manuscript.rsm file is stored and execute

$ rsm-make manuscript.rsm

This will create a new file called index.html in the same directory. Open this file with your web browser to see the web manuscript created by RSM.

RSM provides a linter as a command line utility. Run the following command to see what the linter suggests.

$ rsm-lint manuscript.rsm
src:1:12: LINT: Manuscript with no title

Here, the linter is telling us that our manuscript is missing a title. We can rectify that by editing manuscript.rsm as follows

  :title: ReStructured Manuscripts

Web-first scientific publishing.


Run again the rsm-lint command, and the warning should have disappeared. You can now run rsm-make again and refresh your browser to see now the title of your manuscript displayed.