
Input: abstract syntax tree – Output: HTML body.

The translator takes the finished abstract manuscript tree and translates its content to HTML.

Two main classes handle this process: Translator and EditCommand. Translator traverses the manuscript tree in depth-first order and implements a generic visitor pattern. That is, when a node n of class cls is visited, the method visit_cls(n) is called. Then, all of n’s children are visited in order. Finally, the method leave_cls(n) is called.

Each visit_* and leave_* method returns an object of type EditCommand. This class implements a command pattern whose sole purpose is to append text to the underlying HTML string that is being built. The simplest example is AppendText which simply appends an arbitrary string to the underlying HTML. For example, visit_node() returns an AppendText instance which adds some basic information about the node to the HTML output.

The visit method visit_cls returns the HTML markup that needs to appear before the node’s children’s markup, while leave_cls returns the HTML markup that appears after all its children.

Suppose a new kind of node is created, called NewNodeClass. To implement the translation step for this new class of node, implement a new method in Translator with signature

def visit_newnodeclass(self, node: NewNodeClass) -> EditCommand: ...

Optionally, also implement a leave method with signature

def leave_newnodeclass(self, node: NewNodeClass) -> EditCommand: ...

If a method of the appropriate name is not found, Translator will look up the inheritance tree of NewNodeClass until it finds a class with an existing method. For example, if NewNodeClass inherits directly from Span, and a visit_newnodeclass method is not found, then visit_span will be called with the visited instance of NewNodeClass. Since all nodes must subclass Node, this process will ultimately end up calling visit_node() if no other bases of NewNodeClass have a visit_* method. The same is true for leave_* methods.

Since HTML has both opening and closing tags, the vast majority of which must be kept balanced, care must be taken that the method leave_cls always closes any tags that were left open in the corresponding visit_cls method. RSM handles this automatically in the following way. Besides the basic AppendText class, there are other EditCommand subclasses that accept some text that should be deferred until the coresponding leave_* method is called on the same node. This deferred text is then automatically appended to the generated HTML unless this process is overridden (see below).

For example, suppose nodes of class NewNodeClass should be translated to HTML by wrapping their text contents in a div of class "wrapper". We need only implement a single method, namely

def visit_newnodeclass(self, node: NewNodeClass) -> EditCommand:
    content = f'<div class="wrapper">{node.text}'
    return AppendTextAndDefer(content, "</div>")

This tells the translator that when visiting a NewNodeClass node, the text "<div class="wrapper">", followed by the text contents of the node, should be appended to the generated HTML immediately, while the text "</div>" should be deferred and appended only when leave_newnodeclass is called on that same node. This will, as usual, happen after the node’s children have each been visited and exited. Note there is no need to manually implement a leave_newnodeclass method that will close the div tag. In this way, all opening and closing HTMl tags may be specified in the same method, and there is no need to manually coordinate the visit_* and leave_* methods of the same node class. For this reason, most node classes do not implement a leave_* class at all.

If a leave_* method is implemented, this process will no longer work and manual coordination must take place. In the example above, if the node has some extra metadata that needs to appear after its children’s content, say in node.metadata, then one may implement a leave_* method such as

def leave_newnodeclass(self, node: NewNodeClass) -> EditCommand:
    return AppendText(f'{node.metadata}\n</div>')

Note the need to manually close the </div> tag that was left open.

This example which manually specifies the text to be deferred (</div>) is for illustration purposes only. In reality, there exist subclasses of EditCommand that handle this automatically. In fact, the example above where only the wrapper div is necessary necessary (i.e. there is no node.text nor node.metadata), could instead be implemented simply as

def visit_newnodeclass(self, node: NewNodeClass) -> EditCommand:
    return AppendNodeTag(node, additional_classes="wrapper")

with no need of a leave method. AppendNodeTag knows to use the node’s attributes to generate the div, as well as to defer its closing. Indeed, AppendNodeTag is a sublcass of AppendTextAndDefer.

There are two translator classes in this module. The base translator Translator implements the visit and leave methods necessary to generate a simple human-readable HTML output. It is the translator class used by rsm-render. HandrailsTranslator is a subclass of Translator and overrides some visit and leave methods to add handrails to the output. It is the translator class used by rsm-make.



















Translate an abstract syntax tree into HTML.

