.. _cli-commands: CLI Commands ============ RSM provides three command line utilities when installed locally: 1. ``rsm-make`` Takes a file containing RSM source and outputs a fully functioning website.2 . ``rsm-render`` Takes a file containing RSM source and translates it to HTML. It does not make a working website, it only computes the HTML body and prints it to screen. 3. ``rsm-lint`` Takes a file containing RSM source and runs consistency and sanity checks. It outputs a set of warnings and suggestions to screen. It does not write any HTML, and it does not overwrite the source file. These three commands correspond one-to-one to the functions in the main package: ``rsm.make()``, ``rsm.render()``, and ``rsm.lint()``. Most users will spend most of their time running ``rsm-make``. The purpose of ``rsm-lint`` is to be integrated to text editors in the future. ``rsm-render`` is mostly useful for development, testing, and rapid iteration at the CLI or python REPL. .. tip:: Emacs users can already make use of ``rsm-lint`` automatically by enabling `flycheck `_ and installing `rsm-mode `_. Arguments and flags ******************* We focus on the CLI flags accepted by ``rsm-make``. The other two commands have very similar flags. For a complete and updated list of arguments, run ``rsm-make -h`` at your terminal. Here we provide some common examples. Suppose you have a file called ``manuscript.rsm`` containing RSM source code. The simplest way of building your web manuscript is via: .. code-block:: bash $ rsm-make manuscript.rsm This will output a ``index.html`` file in the current directory, as well as a ``static/`` folder containing all necessary assets. Input ----- By default, ``rsm-make`` interprets its first argument as a path to a file. You may also provide RSM source directly at the terminal via the ``-c`` flag: .. code-block:: bash $ rsm-make ":manuscript: Hello. ::" -c Automatic builds ---------------- Using the ``--serve`` flag you may specify a path to ``rsm-make`` and instruct it to watch the file for any modifications. ``rsm-make`` will rebuild the entire manuscript whenever there is a change in the file, without you having to manually relaunch the command. .. code-block:: bash $ rsm-make manuscript.rsm --serve [server] Serving on [handlers]Start watching changes [handlers]Start detecting changes ... You may now open your browser at the address ```` and see your manuscript. Whenever the ``manuscript.rsm`` file changes on disk, the browser will automatically reload and show the changes. Output ------ Sometimes it is useful to run the build without producing any output, just to see the logs. This is possible with the ``-s`` flag. This is specially useful with ``rsm-render`` and ``rsm-lint``. Logs ---- There are three flags to control the logs. 1. ``-v`` or ``-vv`` to control the verbosity. 2. ``--log-no-timestamps`` to remove timestamps from logs (useful during testing). 3. ``--log-format`` to change the format of the logs. The default value is ``"rsm"`` and it is most readable by humans. ``"json"`` is useful when transferring the logs to another application such as the online editor. ``"lint"`` is the format used by default by ``rsm-lint`` and it adheres to the same format used by other static analysis tools such as ``pylint`` and ``mypy``. ``"plain"`` is useful during testing. Misc. ----- 1. ``rsm-render`` accepts another flag, ``-r`` which uses the translator that outputs handrails (see :ref:`translator`). 2. ``rsm-lint`` ignores ``-s`` since by default it has no output other than logs. 3. ``rsm-lint`` ignores ``-v`` and ``-vv`` since it sets its own specific loglevel. 4. ``rsm-lint`` ignores ``-r`` since it never reaches the translation step. 5. ``rsm-lint`` and ``rsm-render`` do not accept ``--serve``.