.. _contributing: Contributing ============ RSM is built by scientists for scientists. We accept any and all contributions. No contribution is too small. Asking a question ***************** First, search the `discussion forum `_ for similar questions. If you are certain no one has asked a related question, `start a new discussion `_. Requesting a feature ******************** After searching the `discussion forum `_, feel free to `open a new thread `_ requesting a new feature. Please provide detail about the intended use case. Filing a bug ************ `Open an issue `_ in the repo. Please only open an issue if you are certain you have encountered a (reproducible) bug. Otherwise, `start a new discussion `_. Writing documentation ********************* We can always use help writing documentation. Currently the best way to do this is by submitting a PR. Contributing code ***************** PRs are more than welcome! Just `clone the repo `_ and submit your PR.